Workplace Well being Programs
Did you know up to 30 million working days are lost in the UK annually because of occupational illness as well as the confederation of British industry reporting sickness and absence can roughly cost £495 per employee each year! Recently in 2014 it was reported that Cardiff council alone lost 53,000 working days over a three month period.
How do you tackle this issue?
By implementing one of our wellbeing programs for your staff you can reduce stress related illnesses in the workplace and have a positive impact on your company's bottom line by get the most from your staff. By ensuring they are healthy and most importantly that they feel valued by their employer, wellbeing programs have been proven to reduce absenteeism, workplace stress and work related illnesses as well as increasing job satisfaction, performance and commitment ensuring you get the best from your staff.
Wellbeing programs range from annual health events to treatment packages available throughout the year. By working with you we can find the most suitable option tailored for your organisations needs.
We currently work with several public and private organisations providing footcare treatment plans, health education and organising group health activities for their staff throughout the year. We are currently working hard to expand our range of services to offer a comprehensive health service for all employees. Look out for updates soon!
Chiropody care at BlueGreen does not just end in the clinic. Our aim is to provide a long term solution to ensure healthy feet for our clients through working with you to solve your initial foot relating issues and providing routine chiropody and advise to maintain the long term health of your feet.
Interested in providing Chiropody services for your staff? Feel free to contact us via phone or through the form below